domingo, 27 de enero de 2008


Artemis is the greek goddess of the hunt and the wild, that later in history was also associated with the moon. Artemis is daughter of Zeus, god of gods, and Leto, and twin sister of Apollo.
Her story begins when her mother Leto, was about to give birth. Leto reached the island of Ortygia, and give birth to Artemis, and almost inmediatly, she helped her mother reach the island of Delos where Leto delivered Apollo. Artemis was born on the 6th of the month, while her brother on the 7th of the month. Actually she is one of the most important goddesses in the greek mythology.

Artemis had importance in the ten-year trojan war, that is narrated on the book called: "The Illiad". Artemis' favorites were the Trojans.
Her personality is different from other gods and goddesses, she is very compasive, but if a mortal says something that bothers her, she just turns him/her into an animal that can hunt and kill.

Her symbol is the silver bow and arrow that were made by Hephestus and the cyclops.

Artemis is one of the most famous greek goddesses. Artemis is an eternal virgin. Because she asked her father Zeus when she was three-years old to grant her eternal virginity. She is very protective of her purity, that's why she didn't even thought about getting married. Artemis was an "enemy" of Aprhodite because she didn't like her hobbies, like cheating on husbands. Apollo, her twin brother also plays an important role in the life of Artemis, he is very jealus and protective of her sister, he is always caring about her and protecting her of every man that wants something with her.


Once upon a time, Artemis was taking a bath in a river, and a mortal came through the forest and saw her half-naked, so when Artemis notice what was happening, she turned the man into a deer, that later on she went to hunt and kill.

Her temple called Ephesus, is standing now in the western part of Turkey.

I choose this greek goddess, because it represents an atittude that is not often seen on other gods, like the eternal virginity. She also represents the most beuatiful satellite ever, the moon. And she can move the moon as she wants, so having this power was extremely interesting.

Also because she has a very adventurer personality. She likes hunting and prefers to preserv her purity, while other goddesses prefer to kill mortals and cheat on their husbands.